<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"%> Studio In A School - Linking Visual Arts & Literacy

Workshop: Mixed-Media Collage Book


Explore the various materials as outlined above, demonstrating for the children before asking them to begin.

After they have used the materials in an exploratory way and have some understanding of what they can do, introduce the project of making pages for their own flap books:

Each page in our book will have a "flap" insert. Writing can be done on the inside of the flap after the artwork is completed.
Pages are assembled in accordion style. One sheet of 12 x 18 oak tag (folded in half to make a 9 x 12 page), will be used for each page of the bookm with a "doorway" cut out of the front side which can be opened to expose writing underneath.
A three-page format is manageable; more pages can be made if time permits depending on the age and ability level of the class.
Covers can be made with poster board or cardbpard, slightly larger than the page (11 x 14). Covers can be decroated with pencil, collage, and/or cray-pas.
Book is assembled with masking tape, keeping about 1/4 inch space for the fold.

If desired, a group of children can work together as a table or class to produce books with more pages, depending on the age, temperament of the group and/or teacher's preference.

Possible themes for the books include: 3 memories each with a personal symbol and pattern border, 3 people in my family celebrating a event for which they wear special costumes of Kente cloth, 3 things that happened one day on the weay to school with patterned borders, 3 poems about my neighborhood, 3 imaginary rooms in my make believe house, or (if time permits more pages) a "circular story" theme involving the character finding his/her way back to the starting point as in Cooper's Tale.

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