<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"%> Studio In A School - Linking Visual Arts & Literacy

Workshop: Printmaking



A work of visual or literary art that tells a story or recounts events that actually happened.

Center of interest The part of a composition to which your eye is drawn because of the way the artist has used formal elements such as a line, shape, color, contrast, proportion, pattern, etc. to focus your attention on that piece.
Composition The placement and arrangement of shapes and colors within a painting, drawing, or collage.
Relationships Like people, colors, shapes, and sizes relate to each other and we can study those relationships within a work of art to better understand how an artist achieves a given effect.
Proportion In any composition, the relationship (in size) of parts to each other, or parts in relationship to the whole.
Contrast The use of opposites -- such as large and small shapes, bright and dull colors, sharp and wavy lines -- often creating a dramatic effect.
Point of view The position from which one looks at an object (as in looking up from below or looking down from above).
Diagonal, curved, vertical, straight Words to describe the direction and path of lines.
Brayer A hand roller face with rubber. Used to transfer ink onto a printing plate.
Printing plate A flat surface that is either built up or carved into, so that, when inked and applied to a receiving surface, a design will be left on the surface.
Geometric shapes Regular shapes such as circles, squares, ovals, triangles, rectangles, and polyhedra (multi-sided shapes)
Amorphous shapes Irregular shapes
Promary colors The three colors from which theoretically all other colors can be obtained by mixing. In paint pigments, these are red, yellow and blue.
Complementary colors The complement of a primary color is the color obtained by mixing the other two remaining colors together. Two complementary colors will seem to vibrate and will create a very high-key, excited effect.
Analogous colors Colors that are closely related, for example: yellowish-orange, reddsh-orange, and red. When used together, such colors give a pleasant, rich, harmonious look
Tint A color with white added to it.
Shade A color with black added to it.