<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"%> Studio In A School - Linking Visual Arts & Literacy

Workshop: Poetic Images Through Painting and Collage


Ideas and Understandings:
  Line Lines can be straight and horizontal, vertical or diagonal. THey can also be curved. These different kinds of lines divide the page in various ways, and carry the eye across the picture plane in different ways.
Shape Shapes can be made within other shapes and have size and position on the pictur plane. The way that shape is used in relation to other shaes can define the emothional impact that those shapes have, can be the "silent story" that is told.
Composition Where you place a shape in relation to another shape, and the way in which you compose a whole group of shapes, is a thoughtful process for the artist. Overlapping shapes can create depth, repetition of shape can create a sense of unity, a line of shapes can create movement, and centering a shape can create a sense of stability. A "center of interest" can be created by the placement, size or color of a shape.
Point of View An object can be viewed in profile, or from the front, or seen from above or below.
Contrast Color contrast can be used to make one shape stand out against another color.
Color Colors can be warm or cool, can create pattern within the composition, create different feelings and emothions. In the printmaking medium, Colors mix as you layer them, creating new effects and surprises. Colors can be complimentary or analogous.
Mixed media By combining different media, we are adding a sense of surpise. Each medium, each tool, has its own personality, and we explore the possibilities of these media and tools in order to make the most of their unique expressive potential.
Borders The treatment of a border or a frame can provide a commentary on - or influence the effect of - the image within the border , frame
Pattern Repeated shapes , colors, and lines can enliven an image and give it special energy.
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Students will develop an understanding of the following key art concepts:  
  How to manipulate different size brushes
  How to clean a brush
  How to create texture using various tools
  How to blend colors
  How to cut and arrange shapes
  How to use a glue brush
  Experimenting with oil pastels
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